Projection mapping — painting with light
Projection mapping — painting with light
Looking for a unique WOW — and know-how? Projection mapping gives events that extra sparkle. Beaming images onto three-dimensional surfaces has become possible through the development of high-powered digital projectors. Allowing Artists and Designers to scan real-world objects into a digital canvas for painting and storytelling with light.
Projecting history — Cinématographe
It’s over 125 years since the Lumière brothers, in Paris, France, first projected moving pictures to a paying audience. They used a device of their own invention, the Cinématographe, which was a camera, a projector and a printer all in one — you can’t even get one of those today! Before that, only one person at a time could view moving pictures through a Kinetoscope, invented by the Edison Company in 1891. The technique of projection helped drive forward the film industry and the cinematic world we experience today.

Unlike cinema, Projection Mapping — often called Video Mapping, Augmented Spatial Reality — takes a distinctive approach. Rather than projecting onto a flat or slightly curved screen, images are beamed directly onto three-dimensional objects. Creating immersive multi-sensory real-world experiences on a potentially enormous scale. Any surface that reflects light is your canvas, from buildings and natural landscapes to vehicles and even interiors or exhibition spaces.

How to utilise Projection Mapping?
Projection mapping is so versatile — from guerrilla/street marketing, live events, concerts, entertainment, retail, decoration and anything else you can think of. As long as it is dark, of course!
Creating projection experiences is an excellent way of amassing crowd participation, social media followers and brand awareness. That makes the return on investment exceptional. You can piggyback social media from the event experience, creating a huge buzz that reaches far beyond the location.
The size and scale of the memories you can create is only driven by the light generated and creativity of the approach. Not forgetting the location, or objects you’re painting with light.
Applications include:
- advertising
- art installations
- billboard messaging
- building illumination
- concerts
- entertainment
- event experiences
- exhibitions
- film or theatre effects
- interior design
- retail

Technicalities of Projection Mapping Projects
Projection mapping combines many disciplines, both creative and technical. Besides that, you have the vagaries of weather conditions for outdoor events, or potentially working in remote and challenging off-grid locations.

Planning is vital, plus a clear understanding of what the medium can deliver. Our self-contained mobile projection unit will provide an uncomplicated solution for many experiences. We simply arrive onsite and shine.

For the grander events, our seasoned team can guide you through the options, helping develop a coherent strategy to deliver that wow factor — both technically, creatively and within budget.